Join us at minimum four times a month

Our Elective Class in the Traditional Course allows you to study four times a month at minimum. You can choose from the following schedules; four, eight or twelve classes per month or every day (Monday through Friday). (Saturday and Sunday are closed.)
You can also join on the day of the class as long as the slot is available. Please be noted that only the Elective Class allows you to design your own schedule.
This traditional course class mainly teaches the students with the traditional course materials. Please be aware of your lesson schedules as the slots are limited. Early planning makes your study efficient and brings success to your studies.
Regardless of age, this course allows anyone to study English for a variety of purposes, such as maintaining English proficiency, experiencing English learning, for future study abroad, or as a hobby. Please note that if you wish to pursue a diploma, you must enroll in the Advanced Class in the traditional course or study in the alternative course.